The purpose of Anchor Drums is simple: We love music, we love drums, and we love God. When we sat down to pull together our ideas for this company, one thing was solid and obvious. We wanted to use our talents and love of music to create something others could use to further their career.
Those of us here at AD come from a strong christian background and want that to come through in our ideas and creativity. But, just because we are christians, please don’t let that put you off. We are not here to push anything on anyone. We are here to create kits for anyone and everyone regardless of your style or belief. We feel God loves everyone and so do we! We just happen to come from that particular background and we want that to come out in what we do.
We are here to help, bring hope, and push you along in all you do. We want to be a family here at AD and we would love for you to be a part of it! We love every style of music from cheese pop to blistering metal. Ultimately, we just love drums and we want to build something you can use to further your career.
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